Saturday 9 May 2009

My first hospital trip...

So, how do I start this then?

Hmm, well let's start by just saying It's weird being the one laying in the bed, instead of the one viewing your relatives/friends in that bed.
So just an ordinary sunny day, the ones you get rare of nowadays in the UK, so like any other day, I'd like to get out maybe get a skate session on with one of my closest friends, from what I remember we did ok, just trying to get the usual tricks down and trying some new stuff as you do, of course we're not the only ones in that Park, with the little kids running around causing both me and my friend to keep my eyes wide open for any "obstacles" in our way.

The last thing I remember was doing this certain grind rail, kind of a bitch to get something down on it properly, can be sticky or slippery depending on how you land. Pretty much blacked out and I must of blacked out for around 30-60seconds but during the time I was out it felt like this surreal and dream like feeling and a massive recap on what I had been doing upto that point, next thing I know I've woken up to a nurse at my side asking for my name and such, and seeing both my friends mother and both of my parents, looking around I notice a towel with what looks to be like my blood on it, not a pretty sight to wake up I can assure you.

I'm still having quite vague memories of me being driven to the hospital with my both my parents and my friend, sitting in A&E waiting in line to get checked on, all the while constantly going in and out of dizzy spells and every so often vomiting into these carboard bowls, so while I'm in and out of these dream-ish worlds of me being wheeled around the hospital, I try to focus myself to read signs and hear nurses talking to me asking different questions, e.g whats your name, age, parents, and where I live.

So I'm finally taken into one of these rooms with a bed where I can finally rest, ever since making it to the hospital they haven't allowed me to sleep due to me possibly slipping into a coma, so they have been trying to keep me awake until that point. So I'm sitting there in this bed shivering so much and grabbing some blankets to wrap myself up to stop the "cold" setting in, I dose off, and I'm guessing not too much longer a nurse comes in and asks for me to sit up and stick my left arm out, I'm still pretty dazed and disorentated, next thing he's trying to find my vein on my arm, so that he can insert the drip needle in this, as soon as he stick it in, I get a sharp pain from my head, as I go to touch it, I feel something weird on my forehead, forgot all about earlier where they glued up the cracked part of my forehead, and feel this weird material which I now know is the butterfly stitches, next thing I hear is job done, looking down at my arm I now have this needle attached to this drip, and doze back ofto a dreamlike state again for around another 20mins, when the nurse comes in with the routine checkup, bloodpressure, pulse, and tempature, they come in every now and again to check these things.
Also I did test that bed buzzer thing, nurse come in and I asked if she could prescribe me some paraceptamol for the headache that killing me.

I then fell sleep again, waking up at various times when I see new faces with other nurses and doctors treating A&E patients around my ward.
Next time I wake up is just gone 7am with the nurse comes into the room and greets me with a warm "Hello, how are you?" "You are looking abit more colourful today" looking down at myself I notice my body colour has come back and with a small grin by me, I say "Thanks".
She then checks my bloodpressure, pulse and temperature and says "Well, you seem pretty well recovered, I will just go grab the doctor to give you the final check and maybe can discharge you."

The doctor then comes in poking and prodding me, twisting me etc, to see if I have any aches or pains, I respond clearly with "I seem perfectly fine"
He talks to me about various stuff I shouldn't do for the next few weeks, which just happens to be skateboarding and other sports.
Passes me this leaflet on "Head Injury" and leaves to go get my dispatch papers.
Comes back in with my papers and such, saying take it easy, I ask the nurse to use the phone to ring my parents, so that I may get a lift home, and one of the helpful nurses makes me a few slices of toast and a warm cup of tea, I wasn't really hungry but forced myself to eat it as I haven't really had eaten anything properly since 2 days ago, she did make a nice cup of tea, I then rang the taxi place ordered a taxi, got the taxi home, paid the man, got in with my mother asking me question, couple missed calls from friends and family on my mobile, jumped into the shower and scrubbed myself good!
Amount of blood that was in my hair was unreal.
Now just chilling at home just another day with my same old self it seems.

Hows that for starting up my blog, there is probably some typos in there excuse them mistakes :P